Our Director of Nursing, accountable for the overall quality of nursing care in the Manor, heads the Nursing Services provided on a 24-hour basis under the watchful eye of a Registered Nurse.
The Nursing Services team is comprised of the aforementioned Registered Nurse, Licensed Practical Nurses and Resident Attendants.
Medications are administered by trained personnel and are "Unit Dose" and packaged for each individual resident by our local pharmacy. Medications are not left in resident's room unless a written order is obtained from the physician. The Nursing Home maintains a supply of basic stock medication. Medications not paid for under the NB prescription drug program will be charged to the resident/POA.
Specialized Equipment
We maintain a myriad of specialized equipment including lifts and transfer tools, weigh scales, etc. available to qualified staff to meet the needs of every resident.
The Wauklehegan Manor endorses a policy of least restraint. To maintain the best quality of life and prevent frustration and loss of dignity, restraints are used as a last resort when all other means have been tried and a clear danger to the resident or others remains. Family and friends have a key role to play. Please share all information you know about the resident to help the team better understand the behavior.
Before a restraint used, the care team will:
Complete an assessment of the resident and their environment to determine the behavior and reason behind it.
Exhaust all available alternatives to using a restraint.
Discuss with the resident, family and or substitute decision-maker and obtain consent
Obtain a doctor’s order for the restraint.
11 Saunders Rd., McAdam , NB E6J 1K9 Tel (506) 784-6303 Fax (506) 784-6344